High throughput sequencing has brought abundant sequence data along with a wealth of new “-omics” protocols, and this explosion of data can be as bewildering as it is exciting. At the Bioinformatics Core we believe in supporting researchers and their projects from the earliest stage of planning to analysis, whether through our data analysis services or training programs.
Our multi-day hands-on workshops give researchers the tools to plan and execute successful bioinformatics and genomics experiments. These workshops, taught by experienced Bioinformatics Core personnel, cover both the theoretical and practical aspects of a wide range of genomic experiments, including genome assembly, RNA-Seq, epigenetic experiments, single cell RNA-Seq, and more.
Learn more about workshops at the Bioinformatics Core
To see the dates and description of each of our current training events, visit the Genome Center Event Registration site. Documentation for our courses, past and present, can be found on the bioinformatics training program GitHub page.